Quarterly Perspectives - 2nd Quarter 2024

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Quarterly Perspectives - 2nd Quarter 2024

As we enter the third quarter of 2024, our Quarterly Perspectives dive deeper into prioritizing long-term retirement savings, mitigating Medicare surcharges, matching investments to the need, and charitable gifting strategies.

Quarterly Perspectives - 1st Quarter 2024

As we enter the second quarter of 2024, we take a look at current events that could impact your portfolio. Our quarterly perspectives dives deeper into investing in election years, estate vehicle comparisons, keeping an eye on the future of taxes, and focusing on what you can control.

2024 Economic Outlook

In the INTRUST 2024 Economic Outlook, we evaluate the current economic environment and its implications for businesses and investors. Key themes shaping this year's outlook include rates, inflation, business and consumer strength, housing, labor, and more.

Quarterly Perspectives - Third Quarter 2023

As we enter the fourth quarter of 2023, there are several trends we can use to provide some perspective on current events and help you plan. We take a look at considerations when relocating, keeping an eye on the future, and extending your planning horizon.

Quarterly Perspectives - Second Quarter 2023

As we enter the third quarter of 2023, there are several trends we can use to provide some perspective on current events. We take a look at rate increases nearing an end, job market strength, inflation outlook, and how rebalancing helps tax-loss harvesting.

Quarterly Perspectives - First Quarter 2023

As we enter the second quarter of 2023, we take a look at historical trends to provide perspective on current events. Our first quarter perspectives looks at job growth beating expectations, inflation improvements and reasons for concern, market volatility, and consequences of trying to time the market.